Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Constructive Conspiracy

What sometimes annoys me is that I know of no site where I can find accurate charts that provide up-to-date numbers and charts detailing the current financial situation. If anyone happens to know a good one, please provide the link below. However, as a result of my own search, I provide you with the charts below. I apologize that they all do not cover the same dates, and I realize I left out many other factors. This is not a comprehensive list, only a few of the important ones all in the same place:

Graph showing the U.S. unemployment rate

GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (percentage change) [a little hope at the end here, though it seems to be going back down again]

PERSONAL SAVINGS (in Billions) [It seems that the recession continues to eat away at Americans' savings]

And of course: US NATIONAL DEBT

One final note of personal speculation: (which will also be a dramatic over-simplification of the situation. Deal with it)

It seems that "corporate America" is sitting on around 1.8 trillion dollars in reserve. While many are upset that such institutions are not releasing the money into the American economy, I rather think that these companies are following sound logic. Let me explain. If such institutions did release their capital en masse undoubtedly it would have a positive effect on the economy. However, the only way Republicans will take back the House in 86 days or so is if the economy remains stagnant. Thus, it is in the best interests of the companies to hesitate for several more months in order to secure a Republican victory, thereby ensuring there will be no new major taxes pushed through by the Democratic Party on their institutions. It makes sense that these companies will avoid such "uncertain markets" as they hold off for better prospects.

The politically minded citizen ought to take note of these companies. Your dollar is currently worth more than your vote in November. For those who wish for a Republican takeover, you ought to cease all extraneous spending. It is in your best interests to continue or even worsen the recession for the next several months. Hold off on buying that new dvd or book; instead, keep your money in the bank. As soon as we again have a Republican majority, make a withdraw and go out and buy everything you've been waiting on. The major companies at the same time will start releasing their own capital. Thus, in the immediate months after the election there will be an immediate boost in the economy as Americans leave the recession behind. Such a reversal will be so immediate that it will only be attributable to the Republican takeover, setting the ground for a Presidential victory in 2012.


  1. hm...interesting theory. However, I would wager that those same companies have been holding their trillion and a half dollars for a long time, and have no intention of spending it. I would love to see a graph of corporate savings (as distinct from private) over the last thirty years. If this approach of "boycotting the economy" actually works should we expect the liberals to start boycotting the economy in a few months if Republicans take over the house?

  2. First, I think I read somewhere that company savings are some 25% higher than previous to the recession, so it seems there is some abnormal hording going on.
    Second, Republicans are supposed to be the rich ones, right? Therefore, our "boycotting the economy" will inevitably be more effective. :)

  3. hehe, Oh right, we're the rich ones, I forgot, *looks at paycheck* I pity the rest of the world. :-P
    Ok, so they are saving 25% more. hm...Maybe. It will be interesting to see what happens.
